Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today i invented what not to do

Driving 80 km in the sweltering heat of udaipur i discovered what not to do in a study. Having waited for volunteers to add their two pence to the proceedings we delayed our study to such an extent that ultimately we had to start off o nour own in the heat of april. What we forgot was that farmers also have their own routine. When we reached the village , whole of it was deserted ocz most of them had gone to harvest their wheat.
Slowly we convinced him to come and sit with us. As soon as he sat we discovered that while he was with us, each hour of his he was making losses in hundereds. His thresher which he had rented was lying idle, his buffalo had escaped, his children were waiting from him at his home place etc etc. Still he had the courtsy to serve us tea in khakra leaves which we drank like rabaris!!!!!!!
Hats off to indian hospitality
I told my friend " Edison did not fail 2500 times but he discovered 2500 ways of how not to invent a bulb!!!!